Downloading full seasons; not copying correctly

Hey all, thanks in advance for all the help. My setup is, i have Sonarr installed on a PC, and i download through a seedbox. Sonarr initiates the copying on download completion, and it is copied through a mapped network drive created by webdrive.

My problem is, when i opt to download a full season instead of individual episodes, it will attempt to copy all files to cache (i assume cache or a temp directory) and it won’t move them to the local drive until all episodes from the season are copied. The problem with this is it’s copied from the seedbox drive which downloads at 5 or 6 mb’s… There is also a cache limit for webdrive… Is there a way to copy season episodes individually through sonarr?

This sounds like an issue with Web Drive.

Sonarr sees that the files are available, so it begins pulling them one at a time, in a local only setup it would copy or hard link them (depending on the setting in Sonarr), with Web Drive it sounds like it maintains a cache of the file and even though Sonarr only asked for one file, then another.

The import process contains multiple steps, first parsing the files to see what they are, then checking to see if they are actually wanted, including checking if its an upgrade (if there is an existing file) and also checking the run time with MediaInfo. If Sonarr using a couple parts of the file to check the run time causes Web Drive to pull the entire file down and cache it, thats something that would need to be addressed in that software.

If you look at debug logs in Sonarr it will show where the hang up is, it will either be when its importing approved files or when its trying to process them (making an import decision).

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