Downloaded files are not being ignored by Drone Factory

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Windows 7
Debug logs (posted to hastebin or similar):
Description of issue (if you think you’ve found a bug please include steps to reproduce):

I was under the impression from the help text for Drone Factory that it would ignore all files in the directory that has already been imported in the download list. So, I pointed Drone Factory to my download folder and it suddenly started reimporting every file in there and then deleting the existing file and replacing it with the same file. There’s a lot of files in there so it’ll be at this for hours. There doesn’t appear to be a way to stop Drone Factory from continuing through ALL the files in the downoad folder, either. I thought maybe some of the files might not have been in the import list but this is a copy and paste from the import logs:

8x11 Dead Red HDTV-720p a month ago Castle (2009)
8x12 The Blame Game HDTV-720p a month ago Castle (2009)
8x13 And Justice for All HDTV-720p 20 days ago Castle (2009)
8x14 The G.D.S.HDTV-720p 13 days ago Castle (2009)
8x09 Tone Death HDTV-720p 10:08am Castle (2009)
8x10 Witness for the Prosecution SDTV 10:09am Castle (2009)
8x11 Dead Red HDTV-720p 10:11am Castle (2009)
8x12 The Blame Game HDTV-720p 10:13am Castle (2009)
8x13 And Justice for All HDTV-720p 10:15am Castle (2009)
8x14 The G.D.S.HDTV-720p 10:16am Castle (2009)

You’ll notice that all of those files were imported a month ago and then again just recently.

Nope, Drone Factory blindly tries to import whatever it finds in there.

But seriously, you shouldn’t use the Drone Factory at all if it can be avoided.

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