Downloaded episodescan path variable

Sonarr version**:

I’ve gone back to try and getting Downloaded episodescan to work I’m using filebot to rename and unrar but i cannot for the love of god get the path into the script so sonarr will import I guess im missing a path wildcard.

what should be where the path should be when filebot sends the path to the script

I run this as a ps1 file that filebot calls

$url = "http://localhost:9565/api/command"
$json = '{"name": "downloadedepisodesscan","path": "????" , "importMode":"Move"}' 

Write-Host "Publishing update $version ($branch) to: $url"
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method Post -Body $json -Headers @{"X-Api-Key"="3se![filebot|618x499]

this is the filebot output

I dont know what to do to get that path input

hope someone can help

You need to use the rescanseries command if the file has already been moved to the series folder. You’d use the downloadedepisodescan command to import from another folder and you’d give the path to that folder.

Hi Markus
Thank you for tip but that is not my use case I am tring to us Downloaded episode scan to get sonarr to import it from a temporary directory so the command is the correct one, and i am trying to get that command to read the path from filebot, i’ve gotten as far as i could on the filebot forum (thanks to Reinharts very fantastic help)
filebot thread

what is the argument in path to get it to read what filebot passes?

It looks like you’re passing the path to the file, not the folder.

You tell Sonarr which folder to import, not a specific file in that folder as mentioned on the wiki,

so if i only pass the path to the folder it should work?
what if i save it save only the file in a static temp directory and then pass the path to the static directory

…files to import/ (this will be passed)
…files to import/this is the file to import
…files to import//this is another file to import

would this work

Right from the wiki:

A folder specified by the path variable is assumed to be a single download (job) and the folder name should be the release name.

You should be using one folder for one import, with one file unless it’s a multi-file release.

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