Download warning: Unable to Import. Path matches client base download directory

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Windows 11
Debug logs: (PrivateBin)

Description of issue:

I’m having a recurring issue where certain episodes/ seasons will be located and download successfully, but fail to copy the episodes to their destination folder. In the sonarr activity tab they display a little yellow cloud that reads:
“Download warning: Unable to Import. Path matches client base download directory, it’s possible ‘Keep top-level folder’ is disabled for this torrent or ‘Torrent Content Layout’ is NOT set to ‘Original’ or ‘Create Subfolder’?”

It mainly happens when downloading a complete season of a show as a single torrent, but also happens randomly to certain episodes in a season. For instance, for What We Do In the Shadows s6, it successfully downloaded/ relocated episodes 1 and 2, but gives the error above for episodes 3 and 4 (debug log attached is taken immediately after completing the download for episode 4 and receiving the error/ warning.

I’m fairly sure I have the folder permissions set correctly, and it doesn’t have any trouble creating new folders 80% of the time so I’m not sure what the issue could be.

Any insight would be appreciated, I’ve been bashing my head against a wall with this all week

File that threw the latest error:[TGx]

Updated Privatebin: PrivateBin

This will happen if multi-file releases (either multiple videos or just one video with extra files) is saved to the root of the download folder without a subfolder containing those files.

Normally it shouldn’t happen with releases that are setup properly, but you could force Sonarr to create a subfolder by setting Content Layout to Subfolder to have anything queued by Sonarr create a subfolder.

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Changing my qbit settings to “create subfolder” has solved it! Thank you so much! Have you guys got a tipjar I can throw a couple of bucks in?

Glad to here it.

Appreciate the support: Sonarr - Donate

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