I feel like I am just being dumb but I cant figure out how to build this and I cant seem to find the right way to search the forums as I cant find anyone with this problem.
Since I don’t have cable and don’t see commercials I never know what new shows are coming out. I have fixed this in the past with a simple RSS feed from EZTV and only downloaded S01E01 shows and put them in a folder. That way I always had a running library of new shows and if I liked it I could manually get the rest of a season. Shows older than 2 weeks got deleted automatically. problem is I moved qbitorent to docker on my truenas and the RSS downloader is very limited compared to the windows version.
with sonarr I would need extra option like English only so I don’t get 400 foreign shows. It would have to only me new shows and not the millions of old season premiere floating around on the internet.
Am I crazy for thinking this could be a Sonarr thing? should I just break down and add yet another RSS app just to handle this one thing?