Download handling

Hopefully somebody can help me with this as this could make or break my sonarr experience. I’m having several issues with sonarr’s completed download handling. I’m using sonarr with deluge on Ubuntu. I have cdh on, drone factory off. I have label tv-sonarr set on both sonarr and deluge.

First issue is that sonarr is grabbing several files of the same episode even though I have each series set to HD-720. It will keep downloading any new versions of 720p releases.

Second issue is that sonarr is not noticing when files are done downloading and does not move, rename, or add them to completed list. I have sonarr root folder set to /tv shows and deluge set to download to same /tv shows folder.

Any advice? If I can’t get this resolved I will just be going back to RSS feeds as the only reason I was interested in sonarr was its sleek finish and download organization.


Are they upgrades (WEBDL over HDTV 720p)? How is your Profile setup. Hastebin some ((debug logs)) and we’ll take a look.

Separate sorted and unsorted downloads, it may not be causing issues, but definitely keep them separate.

Thanks Markus. To answer your questions:

Yes, they are upgrades. One was HDTV then the next was WebDL. As for my profile, what would I need to look at changing?

I will give switching the download and complete folders around to keep them separate. See if that helps.

Unfortunately I’m away from my computer at present so I can’t look at the logs.

Thanks for the help so far.

Check the cutoff in the profile, if its not set the the lowest wanted quality in the profile then Sonarr will look for upgrades. Also double check that Sonarr detected them as 720p, if it didn’t its going to want to upgrade to a wanted quality. Sonarr uses the file name to detect the quality and failing that will use the extension.