Download handling when NAS drive not connected

I would either like some assistance to solve my problem, or get more information on how Download Handling works. Maybe if I understand it better, then I will know if there is a problem or not.

My NAS drive is not connected to the computer on which Sonarr is installed. The torrent downloader is though. The problem I have, is that when a download finishes, my computer isnt always on the same network as my NAS, and so I was hoping that the download handler would therefore do nothing upon finishing download (this is in fact true) but then once Im on the network with my NAS, it would then copy/rename the file across to the library folder specified in Sonarr. Is this just not possible. Do I have to use Drone Factory on my download folder instead?

A little background:

Drone Factory is a simple import mechanism, it scans a folder every minute, waiting for files to appear, when it sees one it attempts to move it, if it can’t it tries again a minute later and so on until it either succeeds or is shutdown (then it tries again when its running again).

Completed Download Handling (CDH) on the other hand attempts to process the item, then runs into a problem and doesn’t automatically retry, so in your case, it can’t find the storage for importing and stops trying.

We’ll have to give some thought on how to remedy CDH so it doesn’t try to process it every minute like Drone Factory but is smart enough to adapt to this sort of thing.

In the mean time, sticking with CDH is the best option since seeding torrents will not work well with Drone Factory, but you’ll have to give it a kick periodically to get the imports flowing.

Thanks makes sense.