Like many I’m coming from a Sickbeard (+ CouchPotato), Sabnzbd and Transmission.
100% love love love Sonarr… while great in its day, Sickbeard has now been well and truly replaced!!
Re. Sabnzbd and Transmission I note there are similarly new kids on the block: NZBget, Deluge, and many more. While I see Sonarr does a great job of supporting many of these options… in terms of compatibility and interaction with Sonarr (progress, fail download detection etc) is there a ‘prefered’ tool for each class? Or are they 100% identical on this front?
…I note one of the guides suggests Sabnzbd has “having greater support”, however also note this guide is some months old, not sure if this is still the case and/or NZBget has caught up or even passed etc?
…no mention of torrent clients (guess this guide pre-dates torrent support!).