Im trying to get to grips with v2 but i have a few questions. Ive just added a new series (Breaking bad) to the system. When i try to search for a whole series, i dont know what happens. What i mean is that in v1, it would pop up in the bottom right with all the files it found, or it would say no files found if it didnt find any. That was useful as i knew what it was finding instantly. Now, it doesnt show anything for me, and also, i dont get anything pop up in SAB so i know it hasnt grabbed anything. I currently have most qualities added to the current profile im using, so im not sure why its not grabbing anything. When i do a manual search, all the results have a red mark next to them except a WebDL 1080 which doesnt, so i assume that an automatic series search should find and download that right?
Its a bit weird that all of them except WEBDL 1080p have the red mark, that means the report was rejected for some reason or another (mousing over it will show you why it was rejected). What does it say the reason(s) for the rejection is/are? You can also enable Trace logging (Settings -> General) to see why things are failing. I would have also expected the WEBDL release to be queued.
Also what version are you running (shown in the footer)? Searching should reject less often than a standard RSS sync (it will skip history and monitored episode checks). is the latest build.
im running 205. Ive enabled trace logging so ill see what it comes up with. Right now i have another issue. I rebooted my server and SAB didnt come back up, but a show was due to be downloaded. Now when i view the show in Nzbdrone, it shows that the HDTV-720p is already in the download queue, but i dont know how to check the download queue. And nothing has downloaded obviously. When i manually redownload that file, it doesnt add it to SAB
If your download client is offline the nzb won’t be queued and it will not retry to queue it. At this time we have no immediate plans to change that behavior, but it may come as part of another feature.
ok im not sure if im doing something wrong but when i add a new series, breaking bad in this case, i want to search for the entire first season for example. When i do this, only episode 4 is being found and downloaded. I have all quality settings enabled so im not sure whats happening. Its downloading my daily shows ok, but for old shows doing an automatic search never seems to work so im having to go direct to indexers and manually download them, bypassing nzbdrone completely, which is not what i want obviously. This seemed to work much better and simpler in v1