Delete matching complementary files (like subtitles) when replacing episodes

I use external software to download subtitles automatically for all episodes. All this works great however when Sonarr replaces an episode (e.g. proper, better quality, etc) these subtitles are not deleted with them, leaving a mess.

Could Sonarr scan for complementary files when deleting the old episode so it will catch any files that may have been put there by other software up until the very moment the old episode is deleted.

Subtitles are named as “” Where LANG is the language code (en for English). Btw, also without the language code Sonarr won’t delete complementary files (so when files match exactly, except for the file extension).

I hope this feature can be added,

Handling “additional files” (like subtitles etc) is in the works:

So a scan for those files should fit into that I guess…

The way I read that will only import extra files from the download location, rename them, and put them in the final location.

The subtitles I’m talking about are added to the final location and can be added at any moment by external software. Therefore my suggestion is to scan for such files at the very moment the episode will be deleted (to make sure any later added extra files are always taken into account when Sonarr deletes the file).

It will also scan files from disk (existing files) when the series is re-added and the later during periodic rescans. Files will also be removed when episodes are deleted/upgraded.

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