Delay Function - Little help

I might need a little help getting this to work :smile:

Iā€™ve set up my main profile for a 4 hour delay, and set it to First, but perhaps I donā€™t understand how itā€™s supposed to work.

My profile is set to:

HDTV 720p
HDTV-1080p - Cutoff

What I thought would happen is that as soon as the HDTV 720p release shows up, THEN the 4 hour timer starts. When the timer is up, itā€™ll grab whatever is the highest quality in my profile at that time.

However itā€™s just grabbing all the HDTV 720p releases straight away.

Honestly Iā€™m not sure what the difference is between First, Cutoff and Always, as they all kind of sound like the same thing to me.

Having a blonde moment I think :slight_smile:

Youā€™re right about how itā€™s supposed to work, thatā€™s exactly it. The timer starts when its posted, so if drone doesnā€™t see it for an hour it would only wait another 3 hours.

The delay is also skipped for searches, since it doesnā€™t fit with the idea of searching.

In history you can see the age at the time drone grabbed the relwaee. (On the grab event). What does it show?

Ah ha.

Age (when grabbed): 10.4 hours

Thatā€™s obviously not true as it was just put up, but I see that a lot with the indexers (the age is often pretty whacky). Thatā€™s a problem then. Is it possible for Drone to start the timer when it first seeā€™s the release show up, rather than what the indexer reports? That means keeping a bunch of data for each NZB though which isnā€™t great :frowning:

EDIT: Unless itā€™s a timezone thing? Iā€™m in Australia so perhaps itā€™s being offset?

Depends on the indexer, but drone should be handling the time in most cases and taking timezones into account. Either that indexer reports the time wrong or drone is misinterpreting it.

Knowing the indexer and the release might help figure it out.

Iā€™ll PM you the full details :slight_smile:

I think for most indexers thatā€™s the time is was posted to the newsgroup itself and not the time it was indexed. I know for a fact that sometimes there is a release Iā€™m looking for and itā€™s not on my indexer at 2PM but it is at 3PM, at which point it will say it was posted 3 hours ago. Iā€™m not sure if Drone uses this time or its own internal timekeeping to determine how old a release is. I think the latter would be a safer bet.

I see how ā€œFirstā€ works, but can you elaborate on the other two options please?

I am too in Australia and with the time difference new shows are released at between 12pm and 3pm on average here so perhaps you can work out what you need so it fits within that time frame each day

These are covered in the tooltip, Iā€™m not adding a lot of info.

Cutoff - always delay for the full length of the delay until the cutoff is met or exceeded, once its reach the release meeting or exceeding it would be grabbed immediately

Always - Always delay for the full length of the delay for all qualities, including the cutoff being met or exceeded.

All options will grab immediately if its the quality matches the top wanted/allowed quality in the profile.

@simonk83 found the issue with Wombleā€™s it was treating the publish date as a local time, instead of UTC/GMT, in your case that resulted in times appearing in the past by 10 hours, whereas I was seeing them in the future by a few hours.

I just pushed a fix that will correct this behavior for Wombleā€™s, so you should be able to keep using it if you want.

Awesome, thanks Markus, Iā€™ll re-enable it in that case (canā€™t hurt) :slight_smile:

So in my exampleā€¦

Lets say at 6pm a HDTV-720P is seen and delay starts

at 9pm a WEBDL-720p is seen, then:

If I have the Delay Mode set to:

First would grab the WEBDL-720P as that was the best quality in my profile at the time, even though the full delay has not been met yet.

Always would wait another 3hrs for the full delay to finish before grabbing the WEBDL-720P

Cutoff would wait another 3hrs for the full delay to finish before grabbing the WEBDL-720P as this is below the cutoff.

Does this sound right?

With a delay of 6 hours, First will wait 6 hours from the first release and grab the best release at that time, so at 12am it would grab WEB-DL 720p (assuming WEB-DL 1080p wasnā€™t available as well).

Always will always delay, no matter what, in your example, if WEBDL 720p was the cutoff it would delay the full 6 hours before grabbing it, then another 6 when WEBDL 1080p came out.

Cutoff if WEBDL 720p was the cutoff, it would immediately grab the WEBDL-720p when it became available

Oh right, OK. So Cutoff works like first (once the first release pops up, the timer starts), but rather than waiting for the timer to expire then grab the best release, itā€™ll grab the cutoff release immediately without waiting (assuming itā€™s available of course)?

That sounds like the way to go.

Not exactly, cutoff will reset the timer for each quality, but it will immediately grab when the cutoff is met or exceeded, whereas always would still wait for the full timer to expire.

First is the only one that uses the oldest release as the timer for all releases.

Ok, pretty sure Iā€™ve got it now :wink:

Thanks Markus.


Sorry to open an old post but I have similar question regarding the original post. Being in Australia - the use of the delay option is very important to me. Having just moved from sickbeard to Sonarr - I was intrigued to see the option of a delay - something that sickbeard does not have.

markus101 - you said that the setting of ā€˜alwaysā€™ in the example above -
ā€œFirst will wait 6 hours from the first release and grab the best release at that timeā€

Just to clarify - does that mean Sonarr will wait 6 hrs from itā€™s air date time and not go looking for an episode for 6 hrs - or - it will be looking for an episode from the release time in the US and once it finds a copy it will then wait 6 hours?
The ā€œwill wait 6 hours from the first releaseā€ is throwing me a bit.

As an example -

Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Airs Fri. Jan. 02, 8:00 PM on Fox

San Francisco (U.S.A. - California) Friday, 2 January 2015 at 8:00:00 PM PST UTC-8 hours
Melbourne (Australia - Victoria) Saturday, 3 January 2015 at 3:00:00 PM AEDT UTC+11 hours

If Sonarr is running on my system - starts looking for the show on Fri 2nd Jan 8PM - it will not actually air for another 19 hours. Probably wonā€™t see a posting for 20-21 hours at the earliest. As you can see - I really donā€™t want Sonarr to go off every 1-2 hours for 20 hours looking for something that is not there.

So - if the ā€˜alwaysā€™ option is truly a delay looking for episodes for x hours - that would be fantastic for me.


When its posted to usenet, the time it airs is irrelevant.

Sonarr doesnā€™t find episodes by searching and the times it stores are UTC, so they show properly in your timezone, this answer in the FAQ explains how episodes are found: (Currently times are off due to losing the provider we were using for UTC times, but those will be back).

IN the next release delays are going to change quite a bit, so its not worth going into much detail; always is going away and it will be based off of first (delay off the first post and grab the best quality available at that time). There will be a separate delay to delay all usenet grabs by X minutes to deal with propagation issues.

OK - thanks markus101.

I re-read the FAQ again and going through what has been said on this post - I still have questions.

BUT - Iā€™m going to shutup and let you guys do your magic and Iā€™ll ask the questions I have once the new release comes out.


Feel free to open up a new thread with any questions, delays are a bit of a mess with the upcoming change, but feel free to ask questions.