Cut off not working?

Hi, I’m running sonarr version from master branch with mono on my qnap nas.

I’ve modified HD- All profile like:

Cutoff: WEBDL-1080P


So I expected to have sonarr downloading one of the qualities which is initially available when I add the show. Incase this is WEBDL-720p and below I expected it to replace the file till it hits WEBDL-1080P(so never bluray incase it isn’t initially available). However today one of my old shows(i’ve already watched this season) started downloading a bluray version. This should never happen right?

It seems it’s replacing HDTV-720p with Bluray-720p now. I don’t understand this, is this a bug or is it just me which don’t understand how it works. I had a similair configuration when using Sickbeard which never had any issue.

Thanks in advance

From top to bottom, Bluray-720p is still considered better than WEBDL-1080p in your current profile.
Cutoff means it will stop searching once it hits “this quality or better”. So Bluray-1080p, Bluray-720p and WEBDL-1080p will all mark a download as “cutoff met”.

Making the assumption that WEBDL-1080p was not available for this episode at any point in time:

  • WEBDL-720p is available and downloaded
  • Some time later, Bluray-720p is available. As per the profile, it’s considered an upgrade over WEBDL-720p, as well as “the same or better” than your cutoff quality. So it’s downloaded.
  • The episode is now marked as “cutoff is met”, so no further downloads for that episode will be attempted.

Anyone correct me if I’m wrong. This is how I understand the quality profiles to work.

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Thank you for your reply that makes it more clear. Is there a way to prevent a bluray for example from being downloaded after like a half year. I was used to the way it worked in sickbeard like setting initial download qualities(including bluray incase it’s available immediately) and replacment qualities which didn’t include bluray so it would only replace up to webdl1080p.

No, there isn’t a concept of archive qualities within Sonarr.

You could move the Bluray-720p below the WEBDL-1080p quality (keep WEBDL-1080p as cutoff).
That way either WEBDL-1080p or Bluray-1080p, whichever is downloaded first, will mark the episode as “cutoff met”.

Maybe that comes closer to what you want?

Edit: oh, right… that still won’t prevent the Bluray-720p from being grabbed/downloaded in case it’s released before the 1080p web or bluray. Silly me.

Edit 2: @markus101 maybe if sonarr would allow you to say “HDTV-720p and WEBDL-720p and Bluray-720p are the same”, so that if one of these 3 is downloaded, it will not bother with the others when they are released? That would prevent episodes from being downloaded 3+ times before hitting the cutoff quality. Just spitballing here. I guess it’s not an easy thing to do.

Thank you for your response. Seems I just have to handle it like it’s now. It’s not really a problem if it’s downloading bluray after a long while but just unnecessary.

Anyway thank you for the explanation:)

The Blurays are being downloaded “after a long while” because they are released after a long while. They’re not releasing Blurays the night after the show airs lol

I don’t understand your profile. If you don’t want to upgrade to Bluray when they are released (weeks to months after the season ends), then don’t have Blurays in the profile. Many shows don’t ever get WEB-DL releases, so the next step up from your 720p HDTV is going to be the Bluray.

Yes I know but let me explain again.

I’m using the same profile for every show. So when it’s a new show which is still continueing it will download HDTV every morning and replace with WEBDL later that day and sometimes later that week. For me almost every show I watch has WEBDL releases. So this is fine, most of the time I watch an episode within the same week so most likely I’m watching WEBDL version. After this I’ve already seen the show but keeps it sometimes because other persons would like to watch it or I want ot have a reminder of what the last episode was about(sometimes last season incase of a first season episode). After I’ve watched it in 1080P webdl I don’t want it to replace the show after like a half year with the bluray version, since i’m just not going to watch that whole episode again so it’s quite unnecessairy for me.

But the thing is when I add an older show which already has multiple seasons I would like to have it in the highest quality. Since bluray is already available most likely at this time I prefer to have the bluray release since I still have to watch the whole show.

For this reason I would like to include bluray but have the cutoff point on WEBDL since WEBDL is the best quality available for new shows. I also would like to have the HDTV replaced with WEBDL as soon as it gets released. But when I would like to watch an episode before the WEBDL is released I would also like to have the HDTV.

So to summarize I would always have the best quality available, but I don’t care about a better quality when I’ve already watched the show. So this means I’m almost always watching WEBDL expect when watching older shows where bluray is already available.

Do you keep the episode files? (sounds like you do, but want to make sure).

Assuming you do you should be fine to set the cutoff to WEBDL 720p and add a delay profile to delay grabs too, which will cutoff at WEBDL 720p if WEBDL 1080p isn’t available after X minutes (you’ll have to figure out what makes sense to you).

This way if it comes out in WEBDL 1080p within the delay period it will be grabbed otherwise you’ll stay with WEBDL 720p and because once either of those qualities is on disk the cutoff will be met.

Delay profiles is in develop right now, on master you can add a delay directly to the profile and later it will be migrated. Using a delay mode of always is what you want (its not an option in develop, but it behaves much the same way).

“I’m using the same profile for every show.” Without the archival quality concept, you’ll have to be a little more specific with Sonarr.

Use your current profile for when you add older shows that may be out on Bluray already. Duplicate that profile without the Bluray entries for new shows. Problem solved. It’s really easy to do mass changes in the series editor.

I have extra profiles for premium cable and talk shows to make sure I get exactly what I want. There is no one-size-fits-all profile.

Thank you, I will have another look tonight, think I can improve my configuration with your hints:)