Custom quality order?

Can I set up the quality settings to always grab 720p first, if available, and if not available then grab 1080p? If so, how do I do it? I’m currently using HD-all with the cutoff set to 720p, and it’s grabbing episodes in 1080p when I know there are 720p episodes available.

Looking at the “NzbDrone Setup Guide For Noobs”, it shows handles on the right side indicating the quality boxes should be moveable. I do not have the handles on mine, and I cannot move them. I’m running under mono on Mac. Is this a known problem?

You need to show Advanced Settings to change the order. If 720p is above 1080p it will be more preferred, you want that and then set the cutoff to 720p.

More info on the wiki:

Ah, turning on advanced settings is indeed what I needed. Thanks.