Creating PVK file

I am having issues creating a PVK file for SSL use in Linux. I am following the instructions [here][1] but when I try to use pvk.exe to create the pvk file, nothing happens. I let it sit for 2 hours thinking that it was just taking a while to convert it but it never did happen. I am opening pvk.exe and in the cmd box that opens, I am typing

pvk -in server.key -topvk -nocrypt -out server.pvk

pvk.exe and server.key are in the same folder. server.key is the decrypted key. Does anyone have any ideas?

Open command prompt, change the directory to that folder then run pvk.exe -in server.key -topvk -nocrypt -out server.pvk

You know, I tried that before except I just ran pvk.exe and then typed pvk -in server.key -topvk -nocrypt -out server.pvk. That worked. Thanks a ton and holy shit that was a quick reply!

Awesome, I fixed the command on the wiki as well.

Quick reply and I had the window opened already.

Now I am running into another issue. I loaded the cert with HTTPCFG and set nzbdrone to use the correct SSL port I specified but when I restart it, it doesnt load. When I looked at the log, it says

14-9-11 12:07:31.1|Info|Bootstrap|Starting NzbDrone - /volume1/@appstore/nzbdrone/share/NzbDrone/NzbDrone.exe - Version 14-9-11 12:07:36.4|Info|SingleInstancePolicy|1 instance(s) of NzbDrone are running 14-9-11 12:07:36.5|Warn|SingleInstancePolicy|Another instance of NzbDrone is already running. 14-9-11 12:07:36.6|Info|Bootstrap|Application is being terminated. Reason : Another instance is already running

It works fine if I edit the config file to turn off SSL

EDIT: Ok… Now it wont work at all. Guess I goofed something up. I will dig around and see what I find.

Another copy of drone is running already so it is exiting, should be able to kill any other ones and start it up again, unless something else is starting it automatically.

I didn’t see any other nzbdrone instances running so I rebooted my NAS just to be sure everything was cleared but it never came back online. Oh well. I only have 2 more hours at work. I will mess with it when I get home lol.

Alright. I made some progress. It is successfully booting with SSL turned on. The only issue is, SSL doesn’t work. Using the non SSL port works just fine though. When I try and navigate to drone using SSL, it just throws up

This webpage is not available

Looking through the logs (and turning DB logging on) I am not seeing anything out of the ordinary. It says

14-9-11 15:53:24.3|Info|OwinHostController|  http://*:9898/
14-9-11 15:53:24.3|Info|OwinHostController|  https://*:8989/

so it looks good (I swapped the default SSL and non SSL ports just for personal preference).

The httpcfg command I ran was

/volume1/@appstore/mono/bin/httpcfg -add -port 8989 -pvk /volume1/System/server.pvk -cert /volume1/System/server.crt

and when I run

/volume1/@appstore/mono/bin/httpcfg -list

it shows that 8989 has been added. I even tried deleting and readding it.

Which user did you run httpcfg with to register it? It needs to be done by the same user that is running drone.

I ran it as root. I removed the entry and ran it as admin which is what drone is running under but no luck.

drone runs under the admin user? I though it had its own user setup on syno (guessing its syno based on the little info in the logs). ps should show the user its running under. Not sure what else to check, its all handled in mono/outside of drone’s control.

Damn. You’re right. It is running as nzbdrone. I didn’t see a user named nzbdrone in the syno users list like I do with plex so I figured it was running as admin. However, I have no idea what the password is for that user… It isn’t taking my root/admin password. Any idea what it would be?

You might be able to run it via root and sudo to that account or maybe set a password on it, a bit out of my realm of expertise though.

GOT IT! Ok. That was an ordeal. So, for Synology, it requires the user home service to be turned on (creates /volume1/homes/ folder with folders corresponding to each user. However, since nzbdrone isn’t a syno user, it doesn’t get one created so what I did was create a folder for nzbdrone under /volume1/homes/ and then ran the httpcfg command as admin then copied the files from the admin homes folder to the nzbdrone folder. Worked immediately after that. I know next to nothing about linux (my only real experience is this Synology NAS) so there may be a more elegant way to do this but this is what worked for me.