Hi Guys, posting here as I’ve spent a couple of hrs trying to figure out what I’m doing wrong.
I’ve setup SABnzbd and working good (using Supernews) http://www.supernews.com/ i used this with NZBDRONE V1 few months ago and work working great.
My problem is this,
When i open the V1 and search for TV shows it find and downloads without a problem, but when using V2 (I only have access to the wombles indexer) i search and nothing comes up, sweet no problem, so I’ve found a couple of indexers i could use but when i add them and save then search nothing comes up and i get errors in the logs saying that the URL doesnt work (for the search)
I’ve got the URL on NZBDRONE set as “http://nzbindex.in/searchraw” and have tried “http://nzbindex.in/search” but i feel neither are working. What am i meant to enter in this field?
Likely the dumbest question posted here but just need a bit of help please!