Crashing on fresh Ubuntu install

I’m about to switch from Windows to Ubuntu on the home server and I’m trying everything out on a VirtualBox VM for now to see that everything is working and that I know the procedures for setting everything up. But I’m having problems installing Sonarr, every time I start up Sonarr and go to http://localhost:8989 Sonarr crashes, with “Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code…” in the command terminal.
This is the procedure I’m using when installing Sonarr:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys FDA5DFFC
echo “deb master main” | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sonarr.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nzbdrone
mono -V
which mono
mono /opt/NzbDrone/NzbDrone.exe

Every time I’ve installed Sonarr (I’m using snapshots in Virtualbox to go back to the state before Sonarr install each time I try again) I’ve checked both the ‘mono -V’ and that ‘which mono’ only shows one directory. It’s allways Mono JIT compiler version 3.10.0 & /usr/bin/mono.

I’ve also tried:
Manually taking ownership of the NzbDrone directory (/opt/NzbDrone/) & files without any luck.
Installing everythings -> try again to see it fail -> remove Sonarr -> reboot -> install Sonarr again. Not working.

Posted some logs from Sonarr on pastebin:
First start after fresh install - This is the first time I could actually browse Sonarr, changed logging to ‘Trace’ instead of ‘Info’, but to be sure I used shutdown in Sonarr to start again:

Second start - crashed instantly:

Third start - crashed as soon as I tried to open the Sonarr address in Firefox:

Fourth start - using mono --debug, crashed as soon as i browsed the address:
Output from the Terminal, same start as above:

Please help, Sonarr on Windows has worked flawlessly for me for over a year now and it’s one of the last things that stands in the way of moving to Ubuntu.