Couple of things

Firstly, im a longggg time user of SB … V2 of drone is great and for now, im a nzbdrone user.

I don’t like the brackets [ ] wrapped around the naming of quality in the file name. If its necessary, is it possible to have an option to turn this off?

The naming of Qualities.

Bluray should be Blu-ray
WEBDL should be WEB-DL

Welcome aboard!

  1. No way to turn that off right now, but it will be customizable at some point:

  2. The naming used is a bit inconsistent, I’ve added a card to Trello to fix that:

thank you sir !

The naming convention is excellent and needs no attention in my humble opinion. I love it, please do not change a thing.

another request -

when i add an existing series from the drive, the view makes it very hard to see lots of shows at once and easily pick one. Currently i have to scroll a lot to find a show… very painful.

Would also be great to have the ability to add a batch of shows and select qualities one by one…like sb can do.


Why do you have to scroll to add shows? Assuming trakt gives the right show as the first result you just need to pick the quality and add it. Unless you’re not adding all the shows. Not sure how you could easily solve that problem, unless you don’t show any details for any shows - which would be more painful to quickly add a number of shows.

No plans to implement batch adding, the results are all displayed already, just need to select quality (and we’re adding the starting season soon - which wouldn’t play nice with batch add), then click add.

@shedrock - The more customized naming settings will be advanced settings, there will still be some helpers like there are now, but it would allow for some different naming configs. Basically the options would set the tokenized naming for you, but you could override that if you wish. Feel free to comment on the Trello card if you have anything to add.

maybe i wasnt clear sorry.

so i have a huge library of shows on 1 drive.

to add one of these shows, i navigate to the series page, select add series. i can then either search for a show or to see my existing shows i select import existing series on disk and seclect my drive with the shows on it.

it then shows all my series on the drive in alphabetical order.

If i want to add a series that starts with a T i have scroll down, a lot. With the current view of “overview list” it makes it hard.

If we had the option for “posters” and “table” also that would make it a lot quicker for those with very large library’s.

The series home page has this option.

you could just use your browsers find function to search for the name and it’ll automatically scroll there.

eg. CTRL+F [Name of the folder]

Thanks Markus.

@kayone said:
you could just use your browsers find function to search for the name and it’ll automatically scroll there.

eg. CTRL+F [Name of the folder]

thats what im doing at the present, would be nice to have the display options too though.

Thanks all !