Connections to script file and send some meta data to the script


Sorry if this allready has been requested, but I can’t find it.

Could we get a connection that takes the parameter execute script, just a “run” field like it would be typed in a command prompt in windows or a shell on Linux.
The only parameter I would like you to populate (at the moment) and sent to the run field is the full path and filename of the completed, moved file.
If you want to include parameters for Series, Season, Episode, Quality, etc. I won’t complain :smile:

I’ve used Sickbeard in the past and done A LOT of post processing using vbscript in Windows to update smartdisplays on what has been downloaded, update RSS feeds and Twitter what’s happening just to mention a few.

I hope it’s doable in the not to distant future or is there a way to do this allready by inserting the script you wan’t to be executed in a ini file (like in Sickbeard) or any other way that I haven’t find yet?

Thank you in advance.
/Jörgen Domlin

This request is already on Trello:

Sorry didn’t catch that one and it’s moved to on deck, me like :wink:

Thats an old column name, which don’t get updated when the column is renamed. Its in Medium, but there is a lot in medium, its not something we’re actively looking at implementing at the moment.