I see this line in the updates screen with a button to click on install. - October 5 2013 Install
I clicked on install and got updated to Ver. but it is still saying - October 5 2013 Install.
Also, does this mean that we have to manually update ND now? I also don’t understand what the activity tab is there for. What activity?
Another issue I noticed is that the update did not work fo me remotely. My ND installation is on my server located in the basement but I use the TV room PC to access it, this is where the “Install” update failed for me. I had to login to the PC that has ND installed on it to perform the upgrade.
Sorry, but I am just confused now.
I just noticed that it went back to Version:
The install button next to is a bug, I’ll address that.
No you don’t need to update drone manually, you just have the option of forcing an upgrade before it auto-upgrades.
Doesn’t matter where you update from it will install the update, but the UI won’t show the change until you refresh it though.
It doesn’t downgrade automatically, likely happened due to you hitting install on 662 - again that shouldn’t be there so I’ll address that.
Thank you for explaining it Markus. Much appreciated.
Oh and activity - thats episode activity, when it was sent to queue, when it was imported, etc, its the history for that episode only.
I just figured it out. I was looking at some older series stuff so that would of course be blank in the activity field.
Yeah, added a message there when there isn’t any activity.