I am using the Black Hole method to download media, but Sonarr does not appear to be able to import completed torrents until after the torrent client is closed. Manually sending the import command does not work either. Upon closing the torrent client (uTorrent 2.2.1) the completed download imports successfully. Completed download handling and hardlinks are enabled. Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this?
Please hastebin trace logs while something is failing to import and we can take a look.
Also which Sonarr version and OS?
Has the torrent finished seeding? If not you can press stop in uTorrent for instance and it should import within a few seconds. It will not import in Sonarr unless the seeding is complete (you can modify the ratio in the downloader’s preferences).
Sonarr will import it, but it won’t remove it until seeding is complete.
Here is a log:
Thanks for your help! I am using the Black Hole method with an older version of uTorrent, but I have never had an issue with it while using a similar configuration on Sick Beard in the past. I may try switching to Deluge if there’s no workaround, but it just seems a little odd to me.
Edit: I just noticed that stopping the torrent in the client allowed the file to import after minute or so. I generally have my files set to seed automatically for a week, however, so if there is a way to allow imports while seeding that would be ideal.
This is the only file that Sonarr is finding:
15-6-2 17:58:54.9|Debug|DiskScanService|Scanning 'D:\Downloads\uTorrent\_Completed\' for video files
15-6-2 17:58:54.9|Trace|CommandExecutor|DownloadedEpisodesScanCommand -> DownloadedEpisodesCommandService
15-6-2 17:58:54.9|Debug|DiskScanService|1 video files were found in D:\Downloads\uTorrent\_Completed\
15-6-2 17:58:54.9|Trace|CommandQueueManager|Marking command as started: DownloadedEpisodesScan
15-6-2 17:58:54.9|Debug|Parser|Parsing string '[Chihiro]_Mikagura_Gakuen_Kumikyoku_01_[720p_Hi10P_AAC][59609E50].mkv'
Where are the files seeding from? Are they in D:\Downloads\uTorrent\_Completed\
? They are likely locked, which would prevent Sonarr from importing them, since it will attempt to move them as Blackhole has no knowledge that its still seeding.
That’s the only file I have downloaded for testing purposes. I’m beginning to understand the problem now. Is there a way to configure Sonarr to copy or just create a hardlink to the file instead of moving it? I thought I had it configured to create a hardlink, but I just noticed that it did in fact move the file completely after closing the client.
Not when you’re using Blackhole. You need to use a supported client to get hardlink (or copy) support of seeding torrents.