Recently, any TV show I download moves the file to an UNPACKING folder with same name. This leaves me with the original folder empty and another folder in the same directory with the prefix UNPACK(foldername) with the file in it. I’ve tried restarting and changing the default download directory to something outside my media drive and nothing works. Everything worked fine for months and I can’t think of anything that was changed with SaBnzbd updates so I’m at a loss. Frustrating now with a dozen shows to clean up.
SAB is the one that creates the UNPACK folder, but after unpacking it should rename (move) the folder to a folder name without UNPACK preceding it.
If SAB fails to rename the directory properly it would be left with the UNPACK, but I hardly ever see that happen. Drone will attempt to process folders that start with UNPACK if the last write time is greater than 5 minutes ago, but sometimes zips or are stored with the timestamp when it was packed and that will prevent that check from passing (and preventing the import).
Not sure what to suggest beyond checking drone and SAB logs for errors.
My completed files are not being moved to their respective folders. I just noticed it about 2 hours ago.
I will PM you a link with my log. Maybe it has something to do with the latest update?
@shedrock - your log only shows about 50 seconds of logs and has no import events, could have not run because they run every minute, if it doesn’t run after a couple of minutes then try restarting drone (maybe the last run time is in the future).
I cleared the logs by accident. Sorry about that. I am going to download the same 2 files that are sitting in the completed folder and then send you the logs.
I also restarted drone a few time with no success.
@shedrock - much more there, but still no scan of the downloaded folder, Don’t think this is an issue with the release because I’ve been running whats now released for days and everything is running without issue.
At a bit of a loss on this one… what drone version are you running? and can you zip your DB and dropbox it to me? I want to see what the schedules look like (which we should expose somewhere in the UI to prevent having to send the DB).
NzbDrone Ver.
PM sent
Yep, the first issue was Sabnzbd (which is odd also because I didn’t change anything). I disabled folder renaming and tested downloading 5 episodes of Top Chef. NZBdrone moved all the episodes but they were all still in individual download folders.
@Jake - Sorry, not following regarding the individual download folders, can you elaborate?
Sure. All five episodes I downloaded were moved from the SABNZBD download directory to my TV FOLDER. Nzbdrone moved all the episodes, but each episode was in it’s own folder, so I had five folders in TV.
Are they all for different series? If so they would all go into a folder for the Series they belong to (and a season folder if enabled). (you can see the path for each series on the series details page).
If you’re seeing something else, let me know. If they’re going into folders that match the release (nzb) name then it wasn’t sorted by drone.
No, I’ll explain. I have a folder called TV\EW that I program TV shows I just plan on watching once and deleting. I have a number of shows pointing to this folder, Top Chef being one of them.
In this case after changing default folders between NZBdrone and Sabnzbd things seem to be working again. All I did was change the default DL folders, test that they worked (they didn’t), and then changed them back to TV\EW.
I have my default SABNZBD NZB folder set as TV\EW and NZBdrone as TV\EW as well. Series that have their own folder are now moving into them again and cleaning up properly. What’s nice is when I manually download an episode (like Top Chef), because the default download folders are the same, NZBdrone will clean up folders for me after SABnzbd downloads them.
Another question: I have my entire media drive encrypted, which mounts about a minute in from booting up. I know NZBDrone is a service and assume it looks for folders being present when it needs them and not at startup, which if it looks during that minute it’s not mounted, might be a problem?
You might end up with problems with having multiple series pointed at the same folder (I’m surprised it let you, because it shouldn’t). I’d advise not to do that and instead have drone drop them in a series folder inside that folder, not quite as nice, but if this gets enough interest we will look at more closely: - if its working for you great, but its not something we’re going to support.
The encryption might pose as a problem, but I think the biggest issue would be it might try to scan those folders, not find them and then treat the episodes as missing, once the disk is mounted it would find the episodes on the next automatic scan (12 hours) or manually if you wanted. Gonna be luck of the draw if that happens within a minute or two of drone starting, but it is possible.
Well it looks like everything is working again and yes sometimes I do have issues where drone will re-download older episodes, but unchecking all but the most recent season seems to eliminate most of them.
For indexers I’m only using Womble and OMGWTFNZBs, not sure if that’s a factor at all.
I also use FLEXRAID (software RAID), to “Fix” a lot of mounting issues for users, he simply added a “delay” option to settings and most seem happy with it, maybe that could work here too.
I think adding the feature of tracking “watched” shows would be great and would be a little surprised if most people didn’t end up using it as it makes a lot of sense, at least to me. Anyway, keep up the great work, I’ll see about throwing another donation your way soon. Thanks.