Completed Download : Recheck

Occasionally i get the following error :

The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

I believe this is down to my post processing script in deluge but… my actual question is… when this occurs… will it eventually try again to access the file and import it?

At the moment its sat as “downloading” in Sonarr and “Completed” in Deluge

I’m just wandering if i should leave it a while or give up and just copy the files manually?

At the moment it doesn’t retry, but we’re overhauling importing in an upcoming release, so we’ll take a look at this case.

@kayone another use-case for you.

thank you :slight_smile:

this should be handled in the new version. Anything that completed download but failed to import will be retried until either removed from client history or imported successfully.