Completed Download Handling vs Sab Series Sorting

I have a dedicated server with Plex/Sab/NzbDrone. My setup was done with Sickbeard in mind, but I switched to NzbDrone about 6 months ago, changing nothing in the setup, only replacing Sickbeard with NzbDrone. The blackhole function of the Drone Factory folder never appealed to me, so I avoided it.

Sab does my TV series sorting based on a sort string you define yourself, and moves the downloaded file into a determined folder. Mine ends up as: “Drive:\TV series\Series Name\Season N\filename.mkv”. Then Sab triggers a post processing script for Plex to update one of its libraries.

Now I am wondering, with the new Completed Download Handling; will I have any added benefit of letting NzbDrone do the Completed Download Handling in stead of my Sab Series Sorting described above? Am I missing out on some functionality here by sticking to my “old ways”?

Drone will detect the sorted files faster (instead of being shown as missing) immediately, instead of waiting for the series folder to be rescanned (every 12 hours by default).

Beyond that if it has been working for you so far there isn’t a compelling reason to switch. If you enable, save and then disable Completed Download Handling it should remove the warning for you.