Trying to get my pre cup of coffee head wrapped around this error and its wiki page.
So do I understand it that sabnzb is reporting back to ND were the completed file is located, say “completed” folder and will move it to configured series folder with any need of the “dronefactory” folder at all?
The statement “You should reconfigure NzbDrone to use a different Drone Factory Folder or disable it altogether.” , to disable set Drone Factory Interval to 0?
Sound pretty simple, just wanted to make sure the communication between ND and SAB are what I’m reading into it…
yeah i want to check on this too i don’t know if i am just tired (just got home from work) or the wording on the wiki is wrong but saw this error and not sure how the Completed Download Handling thing works is it a substitute for the Drone factory do i set my Sabnzbd to download and extract files into this folder instead and NzbDrone will pick them up from there
if so what do we do with the Drone factory folder do we need it anymore ??? not really sure how it all works i found the drone factory setup to work just fine
The only time you would need the drone factory folder is when you download a file manually and its not part of the TV category in SAB (via torrents for example) and you want drone to import it automatically. If you grab a nzb from your indexer manually and assign it to the same category drone uses (tv for example) it will still automatically import it. I set mine to another folder to drop files from other sources in. You can set it to zero to disable it completely, but you may need to change the path for the importing to work as it rejects things in the drone factory folder to avoid conflicts.
The actually communication will be drone polling SAB for updates, which it already does for various things, this just adds on to it.
Well I tried a shortcut and just put a 0 in the “Drone Factory Interval” thinking this would disable it but appears the path name , as you have suggested, will be an issue. I fired off a season and have about 20 episodes tanked up. No worries, just a bit more tweaking to do…
Just set drone factory to another unused folder and you should be fine. We’ll have to update the UI/wiki to make it clear that’s what needs to be done.
Quick question–I am currently using a post-processing script to notify nzbdrone about the download (to prevent my drive from unnecessarily spinning up) and everything has been working great for me. What is the benefit of this new completed download handling compared to my old way?
You won’t need the script because drone will check with SAB to see if something needs to be imported. drone will also be able to track things through the queue/history, so you will be able to see when something downloaded, but failed to import (usually due to naming).
what i did is created another folder called NzbDrone Completed I then changed the file path in sabnzbd categories to send all downloads to that folder like i had previously but with the Drone factory folder and then downloaded an episode it downloaded it to that new folder but NzbDrone did not grab it and move it like it does with the Drone factory i left it for like 30 mins sitting in there and it never moved i then manually moved it into the drone factory folder and it worked straight away
so if the new folder i created called NzbDrone Completed is created and i send all my future tv downloads to it how does NzbDrone know to check that folder there doesn’t appear to be a option in the settings to set that folder path somewhere so it knows it exists
I am sorry i am just not getting what you are meaning with this function what was wrong with just plain old Drone factory it seemed to work fine for me and simple you set the file path send everything there and it checks and moves what matches seems simple enough why have two folders one for manually additions and the other for checking sabnzbd history or whatever ???
@protocol77 did you enable completed download handling as well? It uses SAB’s API to get the path and move it (SAB and drone need to see the path as the same, so on the same computer is ideal).
I don’t understand all this at all. This is too much for my old brain.
Very often I download episodes manually, so will this be an issue for me?
I have drone set like this:
Download Client Import Handling - No
Download Client Failed Handling - No
Drone Factory: C:\Temp\Downloads
@shedrock I go over that in my first reply (post #3), short answer is how manual is defined (still in the same category) or a new one.
@markus101 I know that this shouldn’t be all that complicated, but I just found myself pretty confused.
After ditching my update script, clearing out my sabnzbd history, and turning on “Download Client Import Handling,” the warning under the System tab about Completed Download Handling being disabled continued to show. So I started searching every config page for the Completed Download Handling toggle, thinking that it must be a different option. Only after an nzbdrone restart did that warning go away. I am correct in assuming that those two are the same thing, right? Might want to change the wording within nzbdrone, since every post here and wiki entry refers to the other phrase (Completed Download Handling)?
@sdjaime The wording has been updated (as of this morning), so settings matches everything else.
The warning should go away once the settings are saved and it performs a check on settings-based warnings/errors when the config is saved, but I’ll have a look and see if something is not triggering it.
@markus101 Sorry to keep asking questions, but I’m finding that this isn’t working for me. SAB on unRAID, NzbDrone (develop v on Windows 7.
I have a SAB category called ‘tv-nzbdrone’. It downloads the file to a folder, ‘nzbdrone’ (this used to be my unused drone factory folder, but now that has since been changed to ‘nzbdronefactory’). Download Client Import Handling is enabled. Drone factory scan setting is set to 0.
I kicked off a search for an episode that wasn’t yet downloaded but I knew was on the indexers. It picked it up and started downloading (color on the calendar changed to purple, as expected. The little download circle seemed a bit delayed/not updated as frequently as I’ve observed in the past, however). The download completed and was savedto the ‘nzbdrone’ directory as expected. On the calendar, the episode continues to be in purple and the circle is complete. Everything has stayed the same now going on 20 minutes.
@sdjaime its because the path SAB reports is not reachable from Windows. Drone sees the path, can’t find it and stops there (logs should show this).
Right now there is no workaround, except reverting to using the drone factory folder.
@markus101 Ahhh, that makes sense.
SAB is reporting the path as “/mnt/cache/apps/sabnzbd/downloads/nzbdrone/” but NzbDrone would have to see it as “\ \titan\cache\apps\sabnzbd\downloads
zbdrone” I would imagine it would be tricky to come up with a setting to be able to manipulate it within nzbdrone.
In any case, thanks as always. Back to the old way for me.
well i am glad i wasn’t alone in finding this hard to understand i thought i was just dumb 
I left it enabled and set my sabnzbd download path to a different folder than my drone factory and it did seem to work today it grabbed an episode of The 100 and i went through the whole process fine so it does appear to work i just perhaps don’t see why we needed and alternative to the Drone Factory i don’t mean to sound ungrateful as we all know how much time and effort @markus101 puts into this project and it is very appreciated but from at least my personal experience i never had any real issue with just using the Drone Factory for all my stuff to be processed if i wanted to add something manually i just copied it in there and it worked that way too
My Sabnzbd Temp Directory and the Drone Factory were on the same hard drive (Different folders obviously) so the time from completion and extraction from those temp files i quicker than 1 minute so even at the default drone factory scan it was quick enough to place a complete episode in the Drone factory so i never had issues with files being attempted grabbing whilst still extracting or incomplete i now have my drone factory to check ever 5 minutes so even better that way
anyways this is my opinion personally i am just gonna continue to use just the drone factory until i need to use something different for now Drone Factory works great for me 
Its because most people were confused about how to properly configure the drone factory folder (I spent a lot of time supporting it), it was also a blackhole, where items would sit and people wouldn’t realize they were there.
Drone factory folder also caused a ton of issues for people on Linux using nzbget because of how its unpack process works.
Drone factory will continue to work, but its not the preferred method.
Was trying to wrap my head around this new feature also and finally figured it out for my setup.
If there is anyone running NzbDrone on Linux and using Drone and a download client on another server (NZBGet in my case), you’ll have to create a symlink on your Drone server to match the path of your completed download client server. This may be the same in a way for the Windows PC’s, maybe create a regular shortcut?
For example:
Drone installed and running under Mono on Ubuntu server.
NZBget running on a separate Synology server.
Have Ubuntu /mnt pointing to Synology server download folder.
NZBGet TV category path is: /volume1/nzbget/dst/TV (local Synology server path).
Ubuntu path is: /mnt/nzbget/dst/TV (pointing to Synology server download folder over network).
As you can see the 2 paths don’t match exactly since it appears Drone reads the destination download completed path of your downloader (in my case NZBGet on Synology server which doesn’t match the path on Ubuntu server).
In order to fix, I had to create a symlink on my Ubuntu matching the exact path of my Synology (so I had to create new path: /volume1/nzbget/dst/TV on Ubuntu and symlink it to /mnt/nzbget/dst/TV).
Once that was configured, “Completed Download Handling” picked up all complete downloads waiting from NZBGet.
Hope that makes sense, I wrote it fast as this was giving me a headache. There probably is an easier way (besides running it all on one server).
Thanks @testarea1 ! We’re going to try to make this easier for everyone, one of the issues is a process like this won’t work on linux/windows combos due to the paths being totally different.