Colored episode status

Sonarr version (20150731-8):
Mono version (
OS : Synology

On the main page of Sonarr you can see al the TV-shows you are monitoring.
At the botom of this page there is a colored legenda (blue, green, red and yellow)

Why aren’t all my series categorized with a color?


Not sure what you mean, can you elaborate and provide a screenshot?

As you can see only 2 of my shows have a colored status.
I hope you can explain why the other shows have no colored status.

Thank you for replying

Because there is no progress to show, you are missing 100% of the episodes. 0/0 shows blue because no episodes are monitored and it makes sense to differentiate it from missing all episodes.

But with the way the legend is worded, they should be red. The series are monitored and they are missing episodes.

Its a progress bar, if you have 0/100 episodes your progress is 0. if you have 99/100 you have 99% of the episodes and it would be 99% red with 1% white. The legend doesn’t explicitly say anything about this case, seems a bit odd to show a blank space and say you’re missing 100% of the episodes.

Ah, that makes sense. I’ve only seen 0%, ~99%, and 100%, so I couldn’t tell.

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