Sonarr version (20150731-8):
Mono version (
OS : Synology
On the main page of Sonarr you can see al the TV-shows you are monitoring.
At the botom of this page there is a colored legenda (blue, green, red and yellow)
Why aren’t all my series categorized with a color?
Because there is no progress to show, you are missing 100% of the episodes. 0/0 shows blue because no episodes are monitored and it makes sense to differentiate it from missing all episodes.
Its a progress bar, if you have 0/100 episodes your progress is 0. if you have 99/100 you have 99% of the episodes and it would be 99% red with 1% white. The legend doesn’t explicitly say anything about this case, seems a bit odd to show a blank space and say you’re missing 100% of the episodes.