For some reason sonarr is leaving files behind that it has already processed. I’m assuming it because the torrent client still has them locked. Can sonarr be configured to remove/delete these files from torrent client and clean up the directory when show has been processed.
torrent client is uTorrent.
What’s the status of them in uTorrent? Sonarr will remove when importing if the torrent is stopped, otherwise it will copy them to the location (or hard link depending on the option you set). Then when the torrent stops seeding it will remove the files.
Can it do this with Deluge? Because I seem to always get files left behind, even if I pause them. I’m using hardlinking. Thanks.
They go into seeding mode for a little while and then stop. I’ve never see it remove it. If I manually remove it from uTorrent it doesn’t seem to clean up either.
I think this may have been me not knowing how sonarr worked with torrents.
I have the same problem, but do not understand how to fix, if at all possible: when I manually remove torrent from Deluge, the renamed file remains in the Season directory. When Sonarr adds torrent to Deluge, Deluge downloads to a different directory than the Season directory. BTW, Sonarr settings reports that Hardlinks is being used.
Running Deluge 1.3.6 and Sonarr on Ubuntu Server 14.04.1
Thank you for your help!
If you manually remove it Sonarr won’t know to clean it up because the torrent it was tracking is gone. If you manually remove it you will need to manually clean up the files. Stopping or pausing the torrent after its seeding should let Sonarr remove it.
thanks, markus101 for the quick reply.
So, that’s interesting. If I remove the torrent and its contents in Deluge, Sonarr will not remove the content from the Season directory (and remove the content in the sort of temporary deluge directory). But, if I pause the torrent in Deluge, Sonarr will remove the content from the Season directory (and not in the temp deluge directory).
Is that correct?
Again, thanks so much for the response!
Not sure I completely understand what you mean by Season directory, if you mean the sorted location (under the series folder), then no Sonarr won’t remove that (why would it?) if you mean another folder, please clarify.
Sonarr will remove the downloaded files (unsorted ones) if the torrent finishes seeding paused/stopped depending on the client.
I believe I intend to mean the series folder. What I currently have sonarr do is to download, using Deluge, to a separate directory from the sorted series directory. In the sonarr settings, I have hardlinks enabled. When I remove the torrent and “remove with data” within Deluge (so in effect, completely stopping and removing the torrent), within the series sorted directory there remains a copy of the renamed episode downloaded. However, the torrent and episode data is removed from the deluge directory, obviously.
When you write “Sonarr won’t remove that [the episode data hardlinked in the sorted series folder] (why would it?),” I believe you mean, just because sonarr has the torrent data “hardlinked,” doesn’t mean once the torrent from Deluge is completely removed, sonarr will remove the data in the sorted series directory. Is that correct?
Sorry for the long-windedness.
Hardlinking lets the File System allocate disk space for one copy of the file and have pointers from one or more locations, when all those pointers are deleted the file is considered deleted (the file system can overwrite that file), but deleting one pointer doesn’t affect any other pointers.
Thanks, markus101.
Is there a way using Sonarr to do what I am seeking to do?
Thanks again for all your help.
To remove the files from the series folder when the torrent is deleted? No. You’d have to delete them from disk manually.