Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Windows 10
Debug logs:
Description of issue: Everytime I open Google Chrome, it loads Sonarr (localhost:8989). I checked the configuration of the browser and the home page isn’t Sonarr.
Is chrome set to resume where you left off? (previous session, etc?)
Yes, but I don’t have Sonarr opened before closing Chrome. I close every chrome tab, and when I open Chrome again it loads Sonarr.
Have you tried clearing your cache and cookies and such? (I had a similar thing happen with a different web page, and I had to basically reset Chrome to get it to stop).
Yes, already deleted all navigation data and the problem persists.
This is a bit long, but it should solve the problem. Some parts may not apply to your set up, and I am sure you already did some of them, but I would try them (again) any way. Good luck.
Try this (at you own risk!):
- In the general settings, under start up, make sure “Open browser on start” is set to no. If it already is:
a. change it to yes
b. click save
c. change it back to no
d. click save - In the same chrome tab (don’t close it yet):
a. click the 3 vertical dot in the top right corner
b. select settings
c. once the settings tab opens, close the Sonarr tab (and any other open tabs, except, of course, the settings tab) - Select the right-facing arrow in the row that says “Sync”
- Scroll down and select “Manage synced data on Google Dashboard” (this opens in a new window)
- Close the previous settings tab
- Scroll down and select, “Reset Sync”
- Select “OK” in the Pop-up and wait for it to tell you the Sync Data is cleared
- Close Chrome
- Open Chrome (if the Sonarr page doesn’t open, skip to step 26.b)
- Press ctrl + shift + del to bring up the “Clear browsing data” window (then close the Sonarr tab)
- Select Advanced
- Make sure the time range is all time
- Select the following:
a. Browsing history
b. Cookies and other site data
c. Cached images and files
d. Content settings
e. Hosted app data - Select Clear data
- Close and reopen Chrome (if the Sonarr page doesn’t open, skip to step 26.b)
- Press ctrl + shift + del to bring up the “Clear browsing data” window again
- Press esc (this is just the fastest way I have found to get to the advanced settings)
- Close the Sonarr tab
- Scroll down to, and turn off, Continue running background apps when Google Chrome is closed
- Scroll back up to “On startup” and select “open the new tab page” (you can change it back later).
- Close and reopen Chrome (if the Sonarr page doesn’t open, skip to step 26.b)
- Press ctrl + shift + del followed by esc to get to advanced settings again
- Scroll to the bottom, and select restore settings to their original defaults.
24 Read the paragraph, check or uncheck the box as you prefer, and select Reset settings. - Once it is done, close and reopen chrome. (Sonarr should not reopen)
- Sign in to Chrome and:
a. if you did the reset, you can turn on sync here
b. if you did not do the reset, open settings and click turn on sync (it may take a little while to finish syncing) - Close and reopen chrome
- If the Sonarr page returns, go back to step 10
- Verify your preferred browser settings.
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