Hi there,
A while ago I made a request to slightly change the xml metadata for wdtv (to prevent sorting like 1 10 2 20 etc). This was added to develop (thanks again!)
Now I’m in the process of rebuilding wdtv library, I have stumbled upon the fact that:
a) it still doesn’t seem to sort right, probably because it is (also?) sorting on < title > filed
b) the title of episodes is often too long to be displayed nicely in wd tv media library.
While I recon that a) is something that should be fixed by developers of wdtv… I was wondering if it is possible, to combine a) and b) and the following solution:
In the xml file change (using series 12 monkeys as example):
< title>12 Monkeys - 1x1 - Splinter< /title >
< title>01 Splinter< /title>
The series name / season nr in the title is unnecessary information, since the way the media library on wdtv works, you always have to browse to folder ‘tv show’ and folder ‘season’, before you can play the episode… thus: you already know what series and season it is. Hope I make myself clear.