above you see photoshop example of how the calendar now looks and how I would like the calendar to look.
If for some reason the download failed and I want to manually search for an episode in the current situation I have to click the show to get more info before I can look for it. It would be nice if I can see directly from the calandar the episode details.
if the episode title is to large for the block it can be cut off with … (max chars 18 postions or so).
nb. Yellow text is just example, I realize that this should fit all the status backgrounds so might be other or just bold white.
Just here to say that I like the addition of the season/episode numbers in the top right corner.
Personally, the episode title is not really important to me.
I agree with @Thirrian. The episode number would be useful (especially if it could honor absolute numbering for anime), the title not so much. Showing the title would actually make things more difficult for me on some days since there are days when 10 episodes get released and I’d lose any kind of overview on the calendar if it got much higher than it already is.
Well some shows can not be found by nzbdrone (for instance local shows in native language).
so they never get found and I need to manually search for then in the usual places.
As for that, the numbers do show up in the list to the left of the calendar and on the “wanted” page, so if that’s what you’re after you can already get to that info in nice overviews.
left side of calendar only displays a few. and yes i can go to the wanted page for missed episodes but i want this info available from the calendar.
episode name is indeed not a musthave, but season/episode number will add as usefull information.
optional: adding SF for season finale episodes, so from just scrolling through the calendar you can see when the show season ends.
I wasn’t trying to say it’s not useful, personally I’d like to see the calendar show the episode number as well. Just not for the same reason.
I’m not sure Drone can detect season finales. Many series have their episodes added to the TVDB one a week-by-week basis. They’d have a new finale every week.
As for the episode numbering on the calendar, originally we had this info, but it looks incredibly crowded when there are many items on the calendar or the series title is long, that space is now occupied by status icons when applicable. The episode title would require another line and add even more clutter.
I feel less is more here, so at least for the time being we’re not considering these changes.
Finales are too unreliable to detect, we would only want to include that info if it was accurate and I can’t think of reliable way to ensure it is.
Another similar request - Would it be possible to add another colour to the calendar, to show episodes that have downloaded but have not met the quality cutoff yet?
Missing -> Cutoff not met will do that for you, yes, I realize thats not on the calendar, but the calendar is just one view, it doesn’t need to/won’t do everything.
Sorry for reviving this old topic but it seemed better than starting a new one on a similar request.
I understand not wanting to add much info to the calendar in the week and month views but it would be nice to get more info in the day view. Definitely the episode number and title… maybe even the summary blurb and “channel” (what is the term for series source?).
Another way to go would be to have a view that hides the calendar completely and gives the Upcoming column more room.