CDH and sickbeard_mp4_automator changes listed quality of a show resulting in multiple downloads

I run sonarr locally and use a seedbox to download all my videos and then I use the completed download handling feature of sonarr to transfer over my files from the seedbox to my home pc using webdrive, after webdrive is done sonarr renames and sorts the files for me and then next because I have “connection” to the “sickbeard_mp4_automator” script it takes my files and converts them over to MP4 and changes a few other things.
In sonarr I have only one profile setup and that is to download web-dl 720P episodes. What I have noticed is that during my workflow process that along the way the episode in sonarr looses the quality tag of web-dl 720p and only displays SDTV. Because of this change in quality tag I end up redownloading multiple versions of the same episode as that it keep trying to get a web-dl 720p but after it does all the downloading, file renaming, and converting to .mp4 it looses that “tag” in sonarr and it’s a never ending battle once a new web-dl 720p is put up on one of my trackers.

Its one of the few other things its doing thats the problem, which is renaming the file. It needs to keep the quality in the file name or Sonarr uses the extension and the quality associated to .mp4 is SDTV.

I changed my renaming format to this “{Series Title} - S{season:00}E{episode:00} - {Episode Title} - {Quality Title}” I believe that should fix it now, Thanks for the info!!

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