Category and script usage

Hi All,

I’ve searched, but haven’t found this specific answer. I’m coming from Sick Beard, and used to use a script to tell Sabnzbd some stuff about what to do after processing my file.

With Sonarr, it sounds like we STILL need to have the category set to “TV”, but in Sabnzbd, there’s no need for a script. So I’m thinking I should leave “Category, Priority, Processing, and Script” set to “default”; and “Folder/Path, and Groups / Indexer tags” blank.

Am I right?

  • Thanx!
  • Jon

The only thing you need to do is to match the category in sabnzbd to what you configure in sonarr when you add sab as your download client. E.g. if you set “TV” in sab, ensure you also have “TV” as the category in sonarr.

You can indeed leave the rest of the options in sab as blank or default (priority, processing, script, folder/path, indexer/tags).

For clarity/completeness: this assumes you have Completed Download Handling set to enabled in sonarr! This is the preferred way to connect sonarr to your download client(s).

Cool. Thank you!