Can't seem to find releases on my indexer

Please excuse my ignorance, but the entire Usenet thing is new to me so I don’t have all the logistics worked out quite yet. I used to download my TV shows via Torrent, but manually doing it was a pain in the butt. I purchased an Astraweb subscription along with a Block News account for a backup. I use OZNZB as my indexer.

I’m running into two main issues.

  1. Most of the 1080p Web-Dl files I got via torrents aren’t available through my indexer, so I have to go back to the manual torrent route. A lot of them have [rartv] appended to the filename if that helps. Is it that my indexer isn’t finding them or they aren’t available via Usenet? I don’t know how to verify one way or the other. I just assumed that if they were available via Torrents, that they would be available through Usenet.

  2. Files where the naming convention doesn’t match theTVdb or TVrage. My understanding is that Nzbdrone gets its information from a combination of TVrage, Trakt, IMDB and TVDB. The problem is that I’m either getting failed downloads or the wrong episode is being downloaded.

For example, I watch Tanked. The most recent 2 episodes, according to TVDB, is S05E04 and S05E05. The problem is that the files are named S05E15 & S05E16, so they were never downloaded. I had to manually find them by sorting my indexer results by date and then looking for a file that matched the name of the episode.

This is also causing me problems with some of the more “obscure” shows that my wife watches. Mainly House Hunters International. According to my Indexer, there are 58 Seasons, but TVDB has 72 Seasons listed. Oddly enough, the most recently uploaded shows are named with a S45 designation, but that might just be when they were uploaded.

Hopefully someone can help.

Thanks and sorry for the absurdly long post. :smile:

Check on your indexer’s site, a few things could happen: not available at all, drone can’t find them due to naming issues or drone found them and they failed to download (a manual search in drone will tell you if drone can see them).

It gets its information from trakt, which gets it from tvdb. tvrage and imdb are not used, but the IDs are in drone (when possible to link to those shows), drone uses the tvrage ID for searching purposes against newznab indexers (oznzb).

drone uses [] ( to map from tvdb numbering to “the scene” (the people that release the episodes), a mapping will need to be added there, not for the feint of heart, but if you have a number of obscure shows its worth figuring out how it works so drone can keep on working:

Wow, thanks for the speedy response markus!

I tried the manual search, but it doesn’t show the 1080p Web-DL files. Only 720p files. I guess the big question is if it doesn’t show up on the indexer’s site, does that mean it doesn’t exist on Usenet? I wasn’t sure if one indexer was better than the other.

I remember stumbling on that site during my search for a resolution and was completely confused. I might have to see if I can figure something out so things work correctly. My main goal is to try and replace my standard cable service with an unRAID / XBMC solution.

Possibly, but not always. Indexers choose when groups on usenet to process, while almost every one does the same common ones, less common ones are picked up differently on different indexers. Having 2 indexers is extremely nice, but getting two decent ones is tough.

I use OZnzb now, which I’ve read is the best. Do you have another one you would suggest? I don’t mind paying for another indexer, provided I can get the releases I want in the 1080p Web-DL quality. I created a post over on my indexer forum a few days ago, but didn’t receive any answer.

Maybe one that offers a trial or limited use before purchase so I can be sure before paying.

Thanks again for your time.

Any of the ones in drone are good, not sure if any have trials or are open for registration at this time.