Can't seem to add Dognzb as an Indexer

Invalid Newznab URL, check log for details

Indexer doesn’t appear to be Newznab based: Newznab error detected: Daily API limit of 100 hits reached: Newznab error detected: Daily API limit of 100 hits reached

But if I go to my dognzb profile it says:

130 API request received today (2,370 left)

I’m guessing this is something on Dog’s end and not NZBDrone’s, but I’m not sure why a daily api limit (that hasn’t been reached) would prevent nzbdrone from adding it to the indexer lsit.

Drone validates that the indexer is a newznab indexer before saving it (people were adding random sites and asking why they didn’t work). Although we shouldn’t fail if the api limit is hit, I’ll address that.

I had a similar issue getting sonarr to recognize and add DOGnzb. For some reason after trying over and over it accepted the API and site. I did nothing different. I have no idea why it worked but it just did! :smiley: