I installed the mono framework and downloaded Sonarr app to applications, mac machine,
When I try run the app it doesn’t open…Please help
Sonarr version (exact version): Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): OS: ((Debug logs)) (posted to hastebin or similar): Description of issue:
thanks for the prompt reply, i have tried to open the dress with an unable to connect error message. BTW i installed the latrst version of sonarr, mono and mac operating system.
Nothing will open automatically, but if you check Activity Monitor it should show it running. If its running open your browser and go to http://localhost:8989 if its not look for the log files in ~/.config/NzbDrone (type that into Finder’s Go to folder).
They’re text files so you can open them up Sonarr.txt would be the latest. If you delete the files then start Sonarr again you’ll cut out odd information and have something you can post on hastebin.com to link here so we can take a look.