Can't find where settings are saved

Not to go all noob on everyone, but I can’t seem to find where NzbDrone setting are saved and every time my computer restarts all my setting appear to be gone. There was a thread on this before, but I couldn’t read it - most likely due to the recent forum crash I’m guessing. Thanks for any help!

Settings are saved into the database:

Anti-virus/anti-malware applications can interfere with NzbDrone and reset the database after NzbDrone is stopped, permissions is also a possible cause, though it will likely manifest when trying to save instead of when the application is restarted.

Out of curiosity, where are you “installing” NZBDrone? What OS are you running?

Windows 7 Professional 64-bit. Installed in “C:\zbDrone”

So it’s entirely possible that you’re running into a permissions issue. Windows 7 doesn’t like for non-admins to save anything to the root directory, in this case C:\

So if you’re running NZBDrone as a non-admin, the inherited permissions on C:\ZBDrone could be screwing up your install. (You probably got a UAC prompt when you first created the directory.)

As a test, try moving the folder to c:\users\username\ZBDrone and running from there, or right clicking on NZBDrone.exe and selecting “Run as administrator”

Alternatively, modify the permissions to make sure “Authenticated Users” has write permission to the directory.

Hey MB thanks for that hint I was having the same issue and also losing at various times my data base and also unable to restart the program . After moving from C:\ now works OK. Using win7 64 as well.