Hi - just installed but I can’t find any episodes of two popular television shows.
I can see the episode guide, but when I check AUTOMATIC or MANUAL from searches it finds nothing. I’m using Vuze. I thought when I clicked one of those it was supposed to launch a page to find the episodes, then dl them with Vuze. Am I in error?
Have you set sonarr up with indexers and download clients?
There’s a really useful guide I used many moons ago here (if you look at the top right there’s a title “The ultimate server tutorial” its very useful and will have more useful guide than the single page I linked"
Hope this helps
These directions are extremely confusing. Why didn’t anyone create a program that just worked without all of these adjustments? It’s almost like the program needs a major modification: just choose your client, add your series with quality preferences, and away you go. This needs to be more like the old TED and not something you need network experience to understand.