Sonarr version (exact version): Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):Mono JIT compiler version 4.4.1 (Nightly Wed Jun 22 11:14:49 UTC 2016) OS: Ubuntu Server 14.04 ((Debug logs)) (posted to hastebin or similar): Invalid request Validation failed:
– Unknown exception: Error: SecureChannelFailure (The authentication or decryption has failed.)
Imgur Link: Description of issue:
Old Setup: Nginx server block for rutorrent at , no ssl , worked just fine with sonarr
New Setup: Same as old but SSL is now enabled. Cloudflare origin certificate is installed and working. The rutorrent web ui works just fine.
The issue is sonarr is now not downloading new releases or talking to rutorrent at all. When i test the connect in the settings, i get the error message posted. I have turned on the SSL switch in the sonarr downloader options
Since i use cloudflare for my SSL and it doesnt support Windows XP/IE8 , which , based on the above post is basically what sonarr uses, that is why my rutorrent is not working with my sonarr. As of right now, my plan is to stand up a second rutorrent insance , on some super obscure url for sonarr to communicate with. If anyone has a better suggestion, im completely open to it
EDIT: Setup second instance of rutorrent on a super obsure url without SSL for sonarr to use. I also limited it so only localhost and my servers IP addresses can access it , further locking it down. It works for now.
Sonarr will fallback to using libcurl if it is available on your system, which has better SSL support, you’ll need to restart Sonarr after libcurl is installed for Sonarr to see that its there (it only checks once and won’t try again until its restarted).
Sorry if im doing this wrong, but i think its already installed. I have curl installed on my system, and i did find a package called libcurl4-openssl-dev but it is also already installed. I restarted Sonarr anyway, and no change
libcurl4-openssl-dev is what you need based on some other threads, but I haven’t used it first hand. If you enable ((trace logging)) it will log whether it failed to fallback to curl.