Can't connect to localhost. Please Help!

Hey guys. I’ve had sonarr up and running wonderfully for a few weeks now, but this morning I had a power failure not long after startup and now I can’t connect to sonarr at all. When I go to localhost:8989 I just get an error in safari saying it can’t connect to localhost. See here:

I’m on a hackintosh running OSX Yosemite 10.10.4

I managed find my logs. Here’s the latest error. Let me know if you need me to go back farther.

Any help would really be appreciated. Thank you all so much.

Figures… as soon as I broke down and posted, I ended up fixing it myself. I was able to fix the error by deleting the file .config/NzbDrone/logs.db based on a advice from a reddit post I found.

I’ll just leave this up incase this might help anyone else. Thx

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