Cant add new series error. The given path's format is not supported

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Windows 10.1803
Debug logs:
Description of issue: cant add any new series, error = Request Failed. POST /api/v3/series: The given path’s format is not supported.

All existing series on Sonarr work as per normal, grabing, downloading & sorting.
Checked the root folder is correct - path to new series is also correct. only have one folder to manage content D:\TV Shows

Looks like it’s failing validation, likely because there is another invalid root folder. What other root folders do you have configured?

No other root folder, only the above root with all series and seasons inside.

Not even one you’re not using? Looking again that seems to be the only potential cause.

Can you enable trace logging, restart Sonarr then go to Settings: Media Management and post the logs and link them here?

I added another root today to play around, i have multiple drives. the main root(tv series folder) is on my D drive.

i added a root to my downloaded folder on my C: still no luck adding a new series via the add series option.

below is a link to my my trace logs. thanks so much for your help

Thanks for the logs, unfortunately no smoking gun there, but it’s given me an idea of what else to check.

What is your Series Folder Format set to (Settings: Media Management)? It’s an advanced setting, so make sure advanced settings are shown.

it is set to {Series Title} - S(season:00)

That’s not a valid format for a series, a series will never have a season number in it. Set it to {Series Title} and verify if you still have issues.

Awesome that seems to have fixed it!
Highly appreciated. Thank you. :smile:

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