Cannot combine OsPaths of different platforms

Sonarr appears to be trying to process queued downloads (from CP) in Transmission. The file in question (see exception) is queued but has not started downloading yet.

CP Downloads movies to /media/Downloads/Movies/ and Sonarr is downloading to Transmission’s defualt folder, /media/Downloads/Torrents/.

Because this exception is keeping Sonarr from seeing Transmission’s history, it doesn’t know that there are several downloaded episodes waiting to be processed.

The file path in question also contains a questionable colon. In freebsd it’s valid, but in windows it’s not, so I’m wondering if that character + mono is part of the problem.

Here’s the exception:

Unable to retrieve queue and history items from Transmission: Cannot combine OsPaths of different platforms ('/media/Downloads/Movies' + 'The+Chronicles+of+Narnia:+The+Lion,+the+Witch+and+the+Wardrobe+2005+720p+BrRip+x264+YIFY')

System.Exception: Cannot combine OsPaths of different platforms ('/media/Downloads/Movies' + 'The+Chronicles+of+Narnia:+The+Lion,+the+Witch+and+the+Wardrobe+2005+720p+BrRip+x264+YIFY')
  at NzbDrone.Common.Disk.OsPath.op_Addition (OsPath left, OsPath right) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at NzbDrone.Common.Disk.OsPath.op_Addition (OsPath left, System.String right) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.Transmission.Transmission.GetItems () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at NzbDrone.Core.Download.TrackedDownloads.DownloadMonitoringService.ProcessClientDownloads (IDownloadClient downloadClient) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

yup, the colon is making it believe the path on the right is a windows path. I would consider that a bug.

And sonarr needs to process the path, because that’s how it filters the ‘sonarr’ category. Most other clients either filter directly on the api call, or get filtered very early on when processing the response.

Thanks for the response.

In theory, could Sonarr skip invalid paths and move to the next? (Is this exception more for idiot-proofing?)

In theory, but that’s just trying to fix a symptom, better just fix the actual problem :slight_smile: In your case I would suggest you rename the torrent/download in transmission (not sure if that’s possible) to work around the problem till we can fix it and release the fix.

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