Cannot add a mapped drive as root drive

Program run in standalone mode as administrator. Will not find any mapped drives. Running under Windows 32bit. Was working fine before I had a drive faiolure and had to reinstall Window7

You should only run as administrator for the first time (to open firewall and register the URL in Windows), after that run NzbDrone as the user that mounted the network drive.

That’s true. I’m running it as a service on a Server 2012 system and it has it’s own service-account just for running nzbdrone.
Also you might link nzbdrone to the unc path of the share, that helps in case the drive letter gets changed.

Still no joy running as user who mounted the drive. (Only 1 user on this system). Hpow do I go about linking NZBDrone to to unc pathn?

Use \\\\Servername\\Sharename

Make shure NZBDrone is running under the user account and not the system account (you can check in task manager).

UNC path did the trick. Thanks for your help.

Excellent, glad its working for you. Let us know if you run into any other issues.