Can someone kindly explain how you use monitoring?

Hi All,

So I just recently installed the developer version, and am trying to figure out how to best utilize the monitoring features.

So I only have the current season of all my shows flagged for monitoring.

After I watch a show, I delete it from my hard drive. I change the default setting of ignore deleted episodes to No so that I could still see those shows on my calendar, but then Sonarr will again try to download the show when it shows up in the RSS feed again… That’s not what I want. So I guess I need to turn that “ignore deleted episodes” back to Yes, and then live with those shows NOT being on my calendar.

I guess I’m trying to figure out how y’all use it? I know that some people keep shows archived, and since I’m not interested in that, I just need to use the monitoring flag for each show to tell Sonarr that I no longer want to try and download it…


  • Thanx
  • Jon

Yes, unmonitoring is the only way to prevent a deleted episode from redownloading, but has the caveat you mentioned. This card on Trello is meant to address it: Trello

For files that Sonarr never saw a file for you will need to unmonitor them, more info on the wiki: