Can I Prioritise Missing Episodes over Quality Improvements?

Hi all!

Sonarr is great software. There is one function I can’t find:

Would it be possible to give missing episodes a higher priority in Sabnzbd than the quality improvements?
I have quite some missing episodes to go and not a glass fiber internet connection.

It would be great if I could toggle sending the quality improvements to Sabnzbd with priority set to low, so that the quality updating doesn’t slow down the downloading of missing episodes.

No, the only prioritization done when sending to SAB is for new episodes (aired within 7 days).

If you search for only missing episodes (from the Wanted -> Missing page) you won’t get any upgrades included.

Ok, right, but doesn’t sonarr search for missing episodes by itself?

Or do you mean I should do a manual “search all missing” first so that all quality improvement missing queue up after that? That could work, I guess. However it still keeps involving doing things manually…

It will watch for them as they get posted, but it won’t automatically search for missing episodes (

Pretty much, thats if they’re actually reposted.

Its only 3 clicks…

Hmm, yeah, understand.


Keep on going, sonarr is really great!