Calendar - Upcoming empty


I have a show coming up on Friday, but upcoming is empty.
This happened after I installed the update.

Regards, manne

Upcoming only shows 2 days, Today and Tomorrow.

In that case, I rest my case…

Thank you

Hi there- I’m a detective from California, and I have some relevant evidence which I believe is enough to re-open this case.

My Upcoming has been blank for sometime now.

Do you need my nzbdrone.txt file?

Upcoming only shows today and tomorrow (not super obvious, so we’ll be fixing that in a future release), since you don’t have anything airing today or tomorrow its blank and to be expected.

But every show used to be there…even shows from the next week

At one point it showed more than 2 days (offhand I don’t recall how many days), but I don’t recall it before more than 5 days. Its been 2 days for months, maybe even a year+.