Calendar UI: remove/change "Unaired Premiere"

in calendar screen currently, the shows are colour coded according to certain conditions like unaired, Unaired-Premiere, missing, downloading, downloaded etc…

If you think about it, “Unaired Premiere” being there just to get replaced by downloading/downloaded/missing is somewhat pointless dont you think? I know the key “Unaired Premiere” is useful information to know/show, but once that gets replaced by downloading/downloaded/missing, then all that information about how it is the “Premiere” is lost.

My suggestion:
Remove “Unaired Premiere” key/color from the list, and simply replace it with “Unaired” as it should be. Then add another key “Premiere”. For episodes that are “Premiere”, instead of changing the colour of the block, add a border (border top/bottom/side? pick one) or a Star or some icon to the block, so regardless of what state its in (unaired, downloading, downloaded, missing etc), you can see that the episode is a “Premiere”.

That being said, another request i have is, is there any easy way to add the season/episode (ie. 3x12) to the calendar? You have it on the upcoming section on the left, but it might be useful to see on the main calendar too, and theres some space to the right of the air time.


I think the problem with that is being able to quickly tell if something is premiering tomorrow, next week, next month, etc. The colour really stands out, so it’s obvious, an icon might work, but then you need to pick out an icon in the midst of other text and if its not the same colour as the text find a colour that fits well with all the possible colours/styles.

This might be part of a bigger calendar rework, but we want to avoid flooding the view with text, right now we think things are too tight to add in more information without it feeling overwhelming and that information is only a click away in the episode details modal.

Yeah, thats why i suggested the border. having a thick border to signify premire (you can use the same light blue color), would look obvious. Keep in mind, what im pointing out is that “Premiere” is not a state, but unaired, wanted, downloading, downloaded are. With the current implementation, once the episode is aired, the UI loses all information about which episodes were "Premiere"s. Alternatively, you can keep things the same, and add a border/icon AFTER the episode airs (when its in state of wanted/downloading/downloaded).

Yup, fair enough. I still do think things like air time, show name, and show episode is key parts that should be displayed on the calendar, but you do have a good point about clutter (obviously, more you add, more other people will ask you to add). Other things that would be beneficial here would be current downloaded quality (again, this would add clutter). As a suggestion though (you dont have to use it, just throwing it out there), you can add things like hover states (tool tips: to display more info. As you said, you can click the episode to see more info, but something like the tool tip would probably be more useful for quick info. Anyway, this request was just a good to have, not important.

If we go the route of adding the season + episode then this becomes moot since episode 1 is the premiere, which would kill two birds with one stone. At the moment we’re not going to change anything, but we’ll keep it in the back of our minds.

We played with tooltips on the calendar before and it was rough, too much going on to display them reliably, they are also useless on mobile, where you need to click to open them.

@markus101, sounds good. yeah tooltips are useless on mobile, but then again, i doubt the statistics for mobile usage is significant enough to warrent worrying hugely about giving all info on mobile UI (i could be wrong here).

Anyway, along the same path, i havent actually looked into the codebase, but can sonarr implement a way to add different styles/themes? With that, say for calendar, you can output all the episode info and class name for premire etc, and let a css file handle all the styling (hide the episode number for example). Then, someone else can implement another theme (css file?), that would then show the episode number for example. Again, its probably a bit of work/effort, but pointing it out and throwing it out there so you guys have it at the back of your mind for future.

Some stuff needs to be limited, but I don’t see an advantage to showing more details on desktop only when it’s easier to support clicking to show those details on desktop and mobile.

What information to out is really more of a templating thing than it is a different theme for the same same content, to achieve that Sonarr would need to separate template files and CSS files. We don’t have any plans to support themes though.

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