Calendar Syncing With iCloud

Hi everyone/anyone! I’ve synced the television shows to my calendar app on my Mac. It’s a subscription set to iCloud. The subscription is the localhost address. It works perfectly in my calendar on the Mac it’s set up to.

The problem is this iCloud calendar shows up on my phone and my other Mac, but the television show entries are not showing up. I assume it’s because my phone and my other Mac is looking up that local address and nothing is there, because the local part is on the main Mac. Am I right? If I am or not, is there a way around this?

Thank you in advanced!


You need to make Sonarr publicly available and update the URL you’re using to a public one, either using your public IP of a DDNS service.

Thank you for getting back to me so quickly! Is that easy to do, would you mind guiding me to some instructions? (I can find my public IP) just setting it up on Sonarr

Thank you!

You don’t need to do anything in Sonarr, you need to open the port in your router and firewall.

ah okay, thank you!

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