Bulk episode assignment in interactive imports

When manually importing right now you have to assign each episode by hand with several clicks. Almost every time I’ve manually imported a series or season a majority of episodes were either in order with a few outliers to be manually fixed, or in reverse order.

For example say I have a season with 22 episodes. 1-4 are fine, 5 is a misidentified special. Right now I would need to reassign 5 and then starting with the episode tagged as 6 (the real 5) manually reassign each remaining episode to be one prior. It would be so much better if it were possible to fix one episode and then “flood” forwards from there.

You can already re-assign multiple episodes at once. In the example you gave, you would select episodes 6-22 (you can do this in 2 clicks, by shift-clicking), then from the “Select…” menu pick “Select episode(s)”, then select episodes 5-21 (another 2 clicks) from the popup. One more click on “Select episode(s)” will reassign them all. So that’s 7 clicks in total to reassign 17 episodes (or as many as you like).