Hi, I am trying to run in Visual Studio 2012, building works fine, when I debug I get the following error in the browser
“message”: “File doesn’t exist: D:\\Projects\\zbDrone-vnext\\zbDrone-vnext\\_output\\UI\\index.html”,
“description”: “System.IO.FileNotFoundException: File doesn’t exist: D:\\Projects\\zbDrone-vnext\\zbDrone-vnext\\_output\\UI\\index.html\r
at NzbDrone.Common.DiskProvider.GetLastFileWrite(String path) in d:\\Projects\\zbDrone-vnext\\zbDrone-vnext\\zbDrone.Common\\DiskProvider.cs:line 87\r
at NzbDrone.Api.Frontend.IndexModule.b__2(Stream stream) in d:\\Projects\\zbDrone-vnext\\zbDrone-vnext\\zbDrone.Api\\Frontend\\IndexModule.cs:line 46\r
at NzbDrone.Api.Extensions.GzipCompressionPipeline.CompressResponse(Response response, Request request) in d:\\Projects\\zbDrone-vnext\\zbDrone-vnext\\zbDrone.Api\\Extensions\\GZipPipeline.cs:line 22\r
at NzbDrone.Api.Extensions.GzipCompressionPipeline.Handle(NancyContext context) in d:\\Projects\\zbDrone-vnext\\zbDrone-vnext\\zbDrone.Api\\Extensions\\GZipPipeline.cs:line 12\r
at Nancy.AfterPipeline.Invoke(NancyContext context)\r
at Nancy.NancyEngine.InvokeRequestLifeCycle(NancyContext context, IPipelines pipelines)”
Is there any action require to prepare the source to running in Visual Studio debugger?
I have it working now, I wanted to have a stab at adding the rageTv Id to the search URL for newznab indexers, RageTv Id is available in the series object and I just updated a few search functions to accept the RageTV id as well as the other name, season and epp numbers. It is working with my limited testing.
I wanted to add this to the interface as an option for the indexer and that is where I hit the wall, while I can see a few places the Index classes are being used I can not work out how the pages are rendered. if I wanted to add a simple button to the indexer setting page how would I do that?
Look at the newnab settings, its all controlled from c# code (via field definitions). Whats the reason for adding that as an option? Is it that some don’t support it?
I have made the search type (text | RageTV ID) an option of the base NewzNab indexer class, if there truly is no need to have this ever exposed then the option and logic can be removed.
I was going to have a go at adding the a MediaInfo extraction background thread but after digging for a few hours and getting nowhere might have to rethink that approach.
you shouldn’t really need to worry about the IoC, as everything is automatically registered. all you need to do is import the types you need in the constructor.
let me know if you need any help. (I sent you my google talk account as a PM)
I want to add a new MediaInfo class to the EpisodeFile class and a new member and populate it with data from a scan from the MediaInfo.dll.
To do this I was going to use the MediaFileRepository to query for media that does not have this new extra MediInfo class set or populated.
So how do I create an instance of the MediaFileRepository to allow me to use it in my new background thread.