I hope this is the correct place for bug reports. Even though I have configured NzbDrone to update my Plex Media Server after a download is finished, it does not work. I tried to analyze why. Here are my findings:
My NzbDrone version is (from April 17) and my Plex Media Server version is
My log file nzbdrone.txt shows the following output:
nzbdrone.txt:14-4-18 15:49:05.2|Debug|PlexService|Sending Update Request to Plex Server
nzbdrone.txt:14-4-18 15:49:05.2|Debug|PlexService|Getting sections from Plex host: abc
nzbdrone.txt:14-4-18 15:49:05.2|Debug|PlexService|Updating Plex host: abc, Section: 14
Corresponding PMS log file output looks like this:
Apr 18, 2014 16:53:56 [0x10b69f000] DEBUG - Request: [::ffff:] GET /library/sections (3 live)
Apr 18, 2014 16:53:56 [0x10b69f000] DEBUG - It took 0.001447 sec to serialize a list with 5 elements.
Apr 18, 2014 16:53:56 [0x10b722000] DEBUG - Request: [::ffff:] GET /library/sections/14/refresh (3 live)
Apr 18, 2014 16:53:56 [0x10b722000] VERBOSE - Completed request: GET /library/sections/14/refresh: 404
So it seems as if NzbDrone requests the list of sections (I have 5) and then tries to refresh section 14 (does not exist) which leads to error 404. The XML output of the first request looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><MediaContainer size="5" allowSync="0" identifier="com.plexapp.plugins.library" mediaTagPrefix="/system/bundle/media/flags/" mediaTagVersion="1395705866" title1="Plex Library">
<Directory allowSync="0" art="/:/resources/movie-fanart.jpg" filters="1" refreshing="0" thumb="/:/resources/movie.png" key="1" type="movie" title="Movies" agent="com.plexapp.agents.imdb" scanner="Plex Movie Scanner" language="en" uuid="96550b24bb0aa11539b611012fda149f556f7d00" updatedAt="1397745022" createdAt="1319973808">
<Directory allowSync="0" art="/:/resources/artist-fanart.jpg" filters="1" refreshing="0" thumb="/:/resources/artist.png" key="3" type="artist" title="Music" agent="com.plexapp.agents.lastfm" scanner="Plex Music Scanner" language="en" uuid="978edc2234188f257714cc4cfca1b40117709b50" updatedAt="1393999702" createdAt="1320104824">
<Directory allowSync="0" art="/:/resources/movie-fanart.jpg" filters="1" refreshing="0" thumb="/:/resources/video.png" key="6" type="movie" title="Music Videos" agent="com.plexapp.agents.none" scanner="Plex Video Files Scanner" language="xn" uuid="3170ed3808c3de1417a5be78eb5c991d25d1a9cf" updatedAt="1397745066" createdAt="1354975817">
<Location id="9" path="/Volumes/Music Videos" />
<Directory allowSync="0" art="/:/resources/photo-fanart.jpg" filters="1" refreshing="0" thumb="/:/resources/photo.png" key="5" type="photo" title="Photos" agent="com.plexapp.agents.none" scanner="Plex Photo Scanner" language="xn" uuid="867dffa7a7f37115ec995af22acac6e93a1e6a8a" updatedAt="1397663125" createdAt="1353165455">
<Directory allowSync="0" art="/:/resources/show-fanart.jpg" filters="1" refreshing="0" thumb="/:/resources/show.png" key="2" type="show" title="TV Shows" agent="com.plexapp.agents.thetvdb" scanner="Plex Series Scanner" language="en" uuid="469d8806c75880dbf9fc1a33bbd0c825a276ce32" updatedAt="1397813048" createdAt="1319973808">
As you can see, the section key for my TV section is 5 and not 14. The corresponding location ID is 14 but that is not the correct parameter to use for selecting a section for refresh. So it seems that either NzbDrone uses the wrong value to build its refresh request or has a problem parsing the reply to its section query.