Blacklist vs DMCA Takedown

With Sonarr and NZBget:
Blacklist and DMCA Takedown are different things, correct?
Is the following correct?:

  • Blacklist - a download is backlisted if it fails, for any reason, and if it stays failed after the retries setting and the time limit setting, has passed.
  • DMCA takedown may result in missing parts, which may, or may not, cause it to fail. A failure due to DMCA takedown may cause a failure, and hence a blacklisting, but there are other reasons for failures and they also cause a blacklisting. A file that has DMCA takedown possibly can still be downloaded successfully if multiple usenet providers are used.

If it fails due to running out of diskspace, NZBGet fails to move the downloaded files or something similar then it shouldn’t get blacklisted, but most failures do result in blacklisting.

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